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Spelling for busy people! Part 1
Short quiz!
1. Why does “y” change to “ie” in “butterflies” but not in “donkeys”? (5:13)
2. Dr. Paxson’s method for teaching spelling (Overview and Book Excerpt - skip if you have already watched the Overview) (3:20)
3. How the method was invented (Author's Story) (2:46)
Section A: Master 10 vowels at once
4. Part 1: From 6 to 100+ vowels (5:35)
5. Part 2: Syllables we sing and syllables we spell (3:16)
6. Part 3: How to open and close syllables (5:35)
7. Part 4: Does our rule always work? (4:52)
8. Part 5: Recap on ONE rule to spell 10 vowels (3:46)
Section B: The /k/ sound
9. Part 1: Why is “cat” spelled with a “c”? (2:25)
10. Part 2: The “Yeti” rule for letter “k” (5:09)
11. Part 3: The /k/ sound at the ends of words (3:38)
12. Part 4: Recap on spellings of the /k/ sound (2:41)
Section C: From Vowel to Consonant and Back (Letter “y”)
13.Part 1: Strange letter “y.” (4:12)
14. Part 2: Why is “oil” spelled with “oi”? (2:17)
Section D: An amazing fact on word endings!
15. An amazing fact on word endings! (2:55)
13.Part 1: Strange letter “y.”
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